This series is a collection consisting of several short stories, which includes short stories of BL (Boys' Love), GL (Girls' Love) and Straight Love.
The collection includes:
1-3. Naemyeongbuui Nan (내명부의 난, The Court Lady) by Gangajijoa
4-7. Majimak Sowon (마지막 소원, Last Wish) by Kim Pol-Jjak
8-12. Sagikkundeul (사기꾼들, Fraudsters) by Kang-Neuk
13-15. Yeon Ri-Ji (연리지, Lotus Ridge) by Donggeurami
16-18. Nae Sanyangkkuni Ireoke Gwiyeoul Ri Eopseo! (내 사냥꾼이 이렇게 귀여울 리 없어!, My Hunter Can't Be This Cute!) by Jaeng-Ko
19-25. Banwolui Seonbi (반월의 선비, The Crescent Scholar) by Merin
26-28. Ho-Dong Seolhwa (호동설화, Tale of Hodong) by San-Mi